Distribution worldwide; center of distribution is the. Mediterranean region.

1,0 kg

2,0 kg

3,0 kg

5,0 kg

10,0 kg

18,0 kg

In TIN packing

1,0 kg

2,0 kg

3,0 kg

5,0 kg

10,0 kg

In PET packing

It cannot be collected with a pole.
It is not possible to collect with a rake.
It is not possible to collect using a spreading/shaking machine.
We pick our olives by hand, one by one, using a ladder.
for those looking for 100% Natural and Quality.
Caliber Size : 200-230   231-260   261-290   291-320   321-350   351-380   381-410   411-460
Either in bulk, Either in brine barrels or casks, or in the values ​​you want, packaging is done.

In Nylon bag

1,0 kg.

 Caliber Size

  200-230   231-260   261-290   291-320   321-350   351-380   381-410   411-460

 Caliber Size

  200-230   231-260   261-290   291-320   321-350   351-380   381-410   411-460

Season :  All year round.
Delivery :  Within max. 14 days.
Season :  All year round.
Delivery :  Within max. 12 days.
Available forms :  25 kg in plastic drum.
Season :  All year round.
Delivery :  Within max. 12 days.
Packing :  220,0 kg. in plastic drum.
Season :  All year round.
Delivery :  Within max. 12 days.
Packing :  180,0 kg. in barrel.
In your orders; Do not forget to specify the Product name + Packaging type + Order quantity and your delivery address.